Thursday, 22 November 2012

Why the command line is an indispensable tool for using the

internet as expert user

Tonight I have for realized once more, that making use of the internet as an advanced  or even
expert user demands that you use the command line tools of whichever OS you are working with.
There are severeal reasons for this.
1. Unless you have a dedicated line to your computing or other resources, the
]competition with other users of the same pipe to your varsity/employer etc.
means that you will normally not get the kind of reliable turnaround time to
run graphical user interfaces over the internet.
2. In addition to the meagre consumption of bandwidth resources the
command line world allows you to do things, that nobody has yet written a GUI for
and probably nobody ever will do so!

3. A modern command line shell with history ,filename and command completion
is a highly productive interface between the human brain and the CPU.

Of course there are a few things that I also use GUI's for:
- editors using xwindows, like emacs or sublimetext2
- jobs, that I do quite often , like burning dvd's or making bootable memory sticks
- three dimensional plotting using for example mayavi2 or paraview

However, the big advantage is,, that many of these advanced interactive tools
also have scripting interfaces, for example in python
to automate your jobs once you have found the perfect parameters and look.

Thus, in conclusion the old and dusted terminal is actually the friend you should
learn to love!

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